Mother Yaśodā Tell Krsna stories

Danagati Das
By Danagati Das 2.9k Views Add a Comment 3 Min Read

Once Krsna was very agitated and was unable to go to bed. Mother Yaśodā tried her best to get her son to go to sleep. Then her gopi friends came and told her that she has to tell Krsna some bedtime stories. So, Mother Yaśodā took Krsna and tucked Him under the blanket. Then she thought of a nice story to tell Krsna. She starts:

Once there was a king by the name of Hiranyakasipu. By his austerities he became the king of all the three planetary systems. He had control of everyone, including all the demigods. But he had one son, by the name of Prahlad, that was a devotee of Lord Narayana. Once Hiranyakasipu was going to kill his dear Son, Prahlada and the Supreme Lord Narayana, appeared from a pillar in the form of….

Lord Nrsimhadeva fights Hiranyakashipu

Before Mother Yaśodā could complete, and say the name of Lord Nrsimhadev, Krsna jumped up and started roaring like lion. Mother Yaśodā was surprised, and asked Him how did he know the story. Krsna replied that He is Lord Nrsimhadev.

Taking, Krsna as her son and exhibiting childish stuff, Mother Yaśodā tucked Krsna back in bed. She then started telling Krsna another story.

Once There was a King by the name of Lord Dasharatha. Krsna started to smile. He had four sons, named Rama, Luxmana, Bharath and Satraghuna. Once to fulfil the desires of his wife, Kaikeya, Dasharatha Banished his son Rama to the Forest for fourteen years. His wife and brother Luxmana also went with him. In the forest a demon by the name of Ravana came and kidnapped Rama’s wife, Sita.

When Mother Yaśodā said this Krsna jumped up on the bed, and shout Luxman bring my bow, bring my arrows, today this demon Ravana is going to die.

Again, Mother Yaśodā, was surprised. Krsna! Krsna! How do you know these stories? Krsna replied to mother Yaśodā, I am Rama, I am Nrsimhadev and now I have appeared as your son. Mother Yaśodā said how can you be Rama and Nrsimhadeva? But when there is a storm with lightning and thunder, you run and hide behind me, catching my sari. How can you be Rama and Nrsimhadeva?

 Just Then Balarama ran into the room. Mata!!!, Mata!!!, Krsna is telling the truth. He is Rama and I am Luxmana.  He is Visnu and I am Ananta. We always appear like this together. Mother Yaśodā picked up the stick and said Balarama get back to bed. Balarama said “ok, Mata I am going now but I thought I should tell you.” She then turned to Krsna and told him to go back to bed.

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Danagat das is a disciple of His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami. He joined Iskcon in 1993 after reading Science of Self-Realization. He stayed as a brahmacari at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple of Understanding for 8 years When he left the tenple, he started his career in the radio industry. In 2005, He joined LotusfM, an predominantly Indian Radio Station, a branch of the SABC. After 15 years at SABC, He landed a position as Station Manager at a community radio station and then at a campus Radio station at the Mangosuthu University of Technology in Umlazi. He know has a weekly show on Hare Krsna Community Radio on Saturday from 7am to 9am. He also runs his own Radio Training Academy.
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