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The Story of Valmiki (who wrote the story of Rama and Sita)

Thousands of years ago there lived a hunter who made money by robbing other people. He lived in a jungle with his wife and children. No traveller who passed through…


Does God appear in His eternal Body many times?

“Although I am unborn, imperishable, eternal, and the Lord of all living beings, using My…

Nine Processes of Devotional Service

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 7, Chapter 5TEXTS 23-24 śrī-prahrāda uvācaśravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥsmaraṇaṁ pāda-sevanamarcanaṁ vandanaṁ dāsyaṁsakhyam ātma-nivedanam…

KB 3 – The Birth of Lord Kṛṣṇa

In the Bhagavad-gītā the Lord says that His appearance, birth and activities are all transcendental…


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Is Killing Vegetables Wrong?

Another common metaphysical question is, "If all living entities are spiritually equal, then why is…


Food for the Soul | by Himavati Devi Dasi

In Bhakti Yoga, all activities can be turned to spiritual advancement. This article describes how…


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Radhika Raman Das 286 Articles
Raman (Radhika Raman Das) joined ISKCON in 2003 and got initiated by HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami Maharaj in 2011. As…
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Vraja Sundari Sewjugath has been a practitioner of Bhakti Yoga since 2012. She is an Editor at The Vaisnava Online…
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Danagat das is a disciple of His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami. He joined Iskcon in 1993 after reading Science…
Shakti Krishnan 29 Articles
Editor at The Vaisnava Online Magazine | Shakti is an aspiring Vaishnavi who joined ISKCON in 2007. Trying to balance…

Sakshi Gopal: The Deity Who Was Called as a Witness

After their stay in the Gopala temple, the older man told the younger, “You have rendered various types of service…


Mother Yaśodā Tell Krsna stories

Once Krsna was very agitated and was unable to go to bed. Mother Yaśodā tried…

Krishna Stories Part I

Mother Yaśodā Calls Krsna and Balarama to come take their meals Once, after the uprooting…

Hare Krishna Brahma Gaudiya Vaisnava New Year

Tomorrow the Hare Krsna Brahma Gaudiya Vaisnavas world celebrate their New Years. On this day…

The Real Understanding of Navaratri

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakhur, one of our most powerful Gurus in the Brahma Madhava Gaudiya…

We Are Not These Bodies | Srila Prabhupada

dehī nityam avadhyo 'yaṁdehe sarvasya bhāratatasmāt sarvāṇi bhūtānina tvaṁ śocitum arhasi "O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the…


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Rising Early | Brahma Muhurta Time

Srila Prabhupada says, “in the early morning hours (known as brahma-muhurta) one should get up”…

How to do Abhyanga (Self-Massage)

Ayurveda recommends practicing abhyanga for a minimum of fifteen minutes in order for the effects…

Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Most of the diseases arise due to improper food habits and faulty life style besides…

Tips for Good Health | Dr. Keshav Anand Das

While pursuing his medical degree, Dr. Keshav Anand Das came in contact with Krishna Consciousness…

How to wear a Dhoti Chadar Yogi Pata & Turban

How to wear dhoti in many styles, properly wearing chadar, shawl, yogi pata and turbans

How to wear saree | Lehenga style Saree | ISKCON Style

Hari Hari dear Friends, in this video I will explain to you how I wear saree in lehenga style. There…

How to do Arati at Home

gaṅge ca yamune caiva godāvari sarasvatinarmade sindho kāveri jale 'smin sannidhiṁ kuru May water from the holy rivers Gaṅgā, Yamunā,…

Marriages and Household life | Garuda Purana

Once, Yajnavalkya was addressing an assembly of sages and in the course of his narrations, he discussed household life at…

Tulsi Gabbard’s Diwali Message (2020)

Namaste and best wishes for Diwali. Our Diwali celebrations this year are going to be noticeably different than any other year. Many people are facing great challenges during this pandemic…

Radhika Raman Das 2 Min Read


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Srila Prabhupada

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The Vedic Scriptures

The term ‘Hinduism‘ is somewhat arbitrary but broadly refers to the tradition whose members follow the sacred texts called the Vedas or the Vedic scriptures. There are two main categories of Vedic literature:–…

Radhika Raman Das 4 Min Read

Outline, Structure and Content of the Bhagavad-Gita

Outline The Bhagavad Gita begins with an inquiry. With the two armies preparing for battle, Dhritarashtra, the father of the Kurus, was doubtful about the possibility of his sons’ victory…

Radhika Raman Das 6 Min Read

Mayapur Chandra’s Parikrama

Kartik Navadvip Mandal Parikram is a unique spiritual experience.

Radhika Raman Das 0 Min Read

The Divisions of Faith | Bhagavad-Gita CH17

Arjuna inquired:O Kṛṣṇa, what is the situation of those who do not follow the principles of scripture but worship according to their own imagination? Are they in goodness, in passion…

Radhika Raman Das 15 Min Read

The Qualifications of the Spiritual Master | Srila Prabhupada

An address given at the University of Stockholm in September of 1973 by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda. In order to enter into spiritual life, two things are…

Radhika Raman Das 25 Min Read

ISKCON Auckland Classes

Live recorded Lectures

Radhika Raman Das 0 Min Read

Lord Kapila (Part 3) | Bhanu Swami

House program at Bilvamangal Prabhu and Krishodari Mataji (Papakura, New Zealand) Delving into Kapila's Wisdom, one of the canto's highlights is the profound teachings of Lord Kapila to his mother,…

Radhika Raman Das 1 Min Read

Chew or Swallow Tulasi Leaves?

HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu gives a reply on this matter

Radhika Raman Das 0 Min Read

Honoring The Land Of Lord Caitanya | BTG

A teacher finds a creative way to help her students fix their minds on the Lord. ON MARCH 18 (in some places, March 17), devotees in the Hare Kṛṣṇa movement,…

Radhika Raman Das 10 Min Read

Viagra or Vairāgya—Where’s the Bliss? | BTG3702

Sensual pleasures pale in comparison to the higher taste of devotion to Lord Kṛṣṇa. By Arcana-siddhī Devī Dāsī I SIT AT THE lunch table with some of my colleagues as…

Radhika Raman Das 12 Min Read
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