Sri Krishna Turns into the Gopi’s Son

Danagati Das
2 Min Read

One day a Gopi came complaining to Mother Yaśodā that Krsna is coming every day to her house and stealing her Butter. Mother Yaśodā told her that when Krsna comes to her house and steal she should immediately catch and bring Him to Her.

So, one day while the Gopi was busy in her house, she heard some sounds coming from the room she kept her butter in. Tiptoeing she went and found that Krsna and all his friends were raiding her fresh stock of butter. She ran and caught Krsna by his hand, while all His friends ran to the exit.

The Gopis said, now I have caught you and I am going to take You to Your mother. Now she is going to beat you with the stick.

She then took Krsna to the Palace of Nanda Baba. Along the way she saw Nanda Baba coming. She did not want Nanda Baba to see Krsna, so she covered Little Krsna with her sari. Keeping Krsna covered She entered where Mother Yaśodā was making butter.

She told Mother Yaśodā that she had caught Krsna and His friends stealing butter and that she brought Krsna, so Mother Yaśodā can beat him. Then she removed her sari to reveal that she had caught Krsna. When she removed her sari, Mother Yaśodā saw that Gopi’s son,

“Mata!!, that is your son”, Mother Yaśodā said.

Looking at her Krsna in the form of her son she said, “Areh!!! How did you get here?”

Krsna just smiled. The embarrassed Gopi took Krsna, in the form of her son and left. Then she heard Krsna speak and when she looked again, she saw Krsna again.

Krsna told her. “The next time I will turn Myself into your husband.”

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Danagat das is a disciple of His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami. He joined Iskcon in 1993 after reading Science of Self-Realization. He stayed as a brahmacari at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple of Understanding for 8 years When he left the tenple, he started his career in the radio industry. In 2005, He joined LotusfM, an predominantly Indian Radio Station, a branch of the SABC. After 15 years at SABC, He landed a position as Station Manager at a community radio station and then at a campus Radio station at the Mangosuthu University of Technology in Umlazi. He know has a weekly show on Hare Krsna Community Radio on Saturday from 7am to 9am. He also runs his own Radio Training Academy.
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