Pastimes of Lord Nṛsiṁhadev

Danagati Das
55 Min Read

The Inauspicious Time to Procreate

Long time ago Daksa had handed over thirteen of his daughters, as brides to the great sage Kaśyapa Muni. The great sage had expertly taken care of each of his wives. One time during the setting of the sun, His chaste wife Diti, who was bereft of children, approached him. She was in distress been struck by the arrows of Cupid. So she approached her husband to fulfil her desires, so she may be reward with children.

Coming out of his meditation, the Muni began to sweetly speak to his wife. After glorying the importance of a wife, Kaśyapa Muni, told her that the time was not right for procreation.  She should wait for a few more seconds because at that particular, of the setting of the sun. There are two parts of the day, one is Brahma-Murtha and the other is Siva- Murtha. During Siva- Murtha, lord Siva travels along the part of the sun. Along with Lord Siva are horrible looking ghosts, following the Lord of Ghosts, Lord Siva. These ghostly characters follow Lord Siva, who is all merciful, in order to gradually be elevated in self-realization.

Kaśyapa Muni educated his wife, saying that if a couple engages in lusty activities, at this inauspicious time and with disregard to the scriptural injunctions, then Lord Siva, being merciful to the ghosts; place them into the womb of such a women.  No one can escape Lord Siva, for he has three eyes called the sun, moon and fire.  

The Sage told his wife that if Lord Siva sees them having intercourse at such a time, then he will be forced to place a child of ghostly character within her. The wise husband warned his wife that although she was related to Lord Siva, still she should not offend him.

Although Diti was been educated by her husband, still the desires remained within her.  She caught hold of the clothing of her husband. Understanding the desires of his wife, the sage could not protect himself because he was obliged to his wife. He was fully aware that this inappropriate activity would not bring about a good child, yet he still layed with her in a secluded place.

After the hideous act, Diti regrettfully approached her husband.  She asked him to please check that Lord Siva had not destroyed her womb, due to anger of her transgression.  Her husband with gentle words told her that because her mind was polluted by lusty desire, she did not take the inauspicious time into consideration, she neglected to follow his advice and because she failed to honour the demigods, she had attracted two son of demoniac characteristics into her condemned womb.

These sons will be the cause of all the three worlds’ lamentation. They will kill the poor, faultless living entities and enrage the great souls. They will cause great disturbance to the earth planet and they will terrorise the heavenly planets.

Diti was deeply regretting her action. To pacify her, Kaśyapa further informed her that her sons will be personally killed by the Supreme Lord and that one of her grandson will be a pure devotee of Lord Krsna.  In this way she was pacified and pleased that her sons will be killed by the Supreme Lord and that one of grandson will be a devotee of Krsna.

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Danagat das is a disciple of His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami. He joined Iskcon in 1993 after reading Science of Self-Realization. He stayed as a brahmacari at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple of Understanding for 8 years When he left the tenple, he started his career in the radio industry. In 2005, He joined LotusfM, an predominantly Indian Radio Station, a branch of the SABC. After 15 years at SABC, He landed a position as Station Manager at a community radio station and then at a campus Radio station at the Mangosuthu University of Technology in Umlazi. He know has a weekly show on Hare Krsna Community Radio on Saturday from 7am to 9am. He also runs his own Radio Training Academy.
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