A Saint in a Demon Family
After Hiranyakashipu had united with his wife, he again left the palace and made his way to the Mandaracala to continue his austerities. His wife Kayadhu remained in the kingdom. Her bodily luster grew as she showed sign of pregnancy. Unlike the demoniac father, the child was a devotee of Lord Narayana.
In one of His previous lives he was the son of Vasu Sharma and Sushila. Vasu Sharma was a brahmana and he knew the Vedas very well. His wife was a chaste lady and noted for her good qualities. They had five sons. Four of these sons were well behaved and obedient to their parents. The fifth child was named Vasudev and he had developed bad qualities. Vasudev was accustomed to visiting the homes of prostitutes. One day he took a girl into the forest. They arrived in an abandoned temple. Vasudev cleaned the temple to make it pleasing to this friend.
This temple was an old Nrsimhadev Temple. The night Vasudev and this friend entered the temple was Lord Nrsimhadev appearance day. After some time they got into an argument. Due to this they both could not sleep, so they stayed up all night. They had not eaten anything. Along with cleaning the temple, they had won the favour of Lord Nrsimhadev and was freed from all their sinful activities and received the auspicious destinations. The girlfriend became a heavenly Apsara, angel. She was rewarded all material opulence and facilities and after that birth became a devotee of Lord Visnu. Vasudev later became the son of the demon Hiranyakasipu and was given the name Prahlad Maharaj.