Lord Shiva destroys the sacrifice of Daksha

Radhika Raman Das
28 Min Read

Daksha Insults Lord Shiva

The sages were eager to hear these pastimes of Lord Shiva and so Suta Gosvami began by narrating the following story:

Formerly, at the instance of Lord Brahma, Daksha gave his daughter, Dakshayani, in marriage to Lord Shiva. Once, it so happened that Daksha came to Naimisharanya and he was honored by all the sages performing sacrifice there. Mahadeva (Lord Shiva) was present at that time but he did not even stand up to show his father-in-law respect, nor did he speak any words of greeting.

Upon seeing this, Daksha furiously said, “Everywhere the demigods and sages bow down to me with great respect. How is it that this vicious fellow does not offer obeisances upon seeing me? This shameless person lives in a crematorium, surrounded by ghosts and evil spirits!”

“Only wicked people who are habituated to sinful acts behave arrogantly in the presence of a brahmana. Such persons should be killed or driven out by pious people. I will therefore curse him!”

“All of you brahmanas assembled here—heed my words! This Rudra should be banned from all sacrificial performances because he has transgressed the rules of etiquette as prescribed by the varnashrama system.”

Nandi, the son of Shilada, angrily replied, “Why should my lord, Mahesha, be excluded from sacrificial performances? It is by remembrance of him alone that a sacrifice bears fruit! You have cursed Lord Shiva unjustly because of your brahminical pride. Evil minded Daksha, it is Shambhu alone who protects the universe!”

While hearing this, Daksha became more enraged and he cursed Nandi, saying, “All of you who are devoted to Lord Shiva have made yourselves beyond the purview of the Vedas by clinging to heretical doctrines! You are beyond the boundary of good conduct and are thus are not fit to be seen by true gentlemen!”

In this way, Lord Shiva and his servants were cursed by Daksha. Nandi retorted, “Although we, the servants of Mahadeva, are faultless, you have unnecessarily cursed us. Now, I shall counter curse you for your rash behaviour!”

“O Daksha, you brahmanas claim to be followers of the Vedas but actually, you are very lusty, greedy, and deluded. In the future, brahmanas will perform sacrifices on behalf of shudras. They will always remain impoverished and greedy for gifts of money.”

Upon hearing this, Lord Shiva smilingly said to Nandi, “You should not be angry at the brahmanas because they are always to be considered as our elders and superiors. Who are you? Who am I? Who are these brahmanas? We are all parts and parcels of the Supreme Soul.

Rise above the concept of duality and become enlightened. View everything through the eye of transcendental knowledge. Be situated in your eternal self and avoid the base material qualities, such as anger.”

Nandi took this advice to heart and thereafter, he closely associated with Lord Shiva and attained the state of transcendental ecstasy. Daksha returned home in a very angry mood, however, accompanied by many sages, and he continued to criticize Lord Shiva. Indeed, he never regained his composure after that incident.

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Raman (Radhika Raman Das) joined ISKCON in 2003 and got initiated by HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami Maharaj in 2011. As the Editor in Chief at "The Vaisnava - Online Magazine", he helps readers around the world hone in their Spiritual Curiosity, express their unique realizations as aspiring Vaisnava writers and enthusiasts, as well as to spread the digital seed of Srila Prabhupada's mission to spread Krishna Consciousness all around the globe.
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