Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Radhika Raman Das
14 Min Read

Most of the diseases arise due to improper food habits and faulty life style besides hereditary and other reasons. Ayurveda is a system evolved in India, which tries to bring harmony between human and nature by using holistic methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

Presented below are some simple recipes prepared from the materials available in and around the kitchen. For simple problems like cough, cold, indigestion etc, these preparations are very effective. For chronic problems like diabetes, joint pain, skin diseases these remedies may be used even along with other medication.

Disclaimer: Please seek profession advice before using the following remedies. One who follows these instructions are doing so on their own accord and thevaisnava.com and its counterparts are not responsible for any adverse effects, harm or injuries caused by the following remedies. Use at your own risk.

General instructions

  • Measurements – 5gm. = 1 Tea spoon full and 5ml. = 1 Tea spoon full
  • These preparations are for mild and chronic conditions. In case patient does not get relief within 2-3 days of taking medicine, he/she may consult the nearest doctor.
  • The dose given is for adult. For children half or one-fourth of this adult dose may be used.
  • The dosage may be adjusted with little alterations according to the tolerance and desire.
  • These preparations may be used regularly for many days. But in case of any discomfort drug should be stopped immediately.
  • Decoction should be prepared by boiling crushed/coarsely powdered drug in four parts of water and reducing to one fourth .
  • Juice should be prepared by crushing/grinding and mixing in the fresh drug with little water if required and the juice should be expressed through a clean cloth.
  • Paste should be prepared by crushing/grinding the drug very finely with desired liquid if required.
    • In general too spicy, salty, chilly, sour, preserved items fried food, heavy, indigestible, too cold & hot, stale food and the food that do not suit the health should be avoided.
  • Irregular food habit, sleep and lack of physical exercise is main cause for may diseases.
  • Too much tea, coffee, should be avoided. Tobacco, alcohol and drugs should not be taken.
  • Mental stress should be tackled by recreation such as meditation, prayer, sports, exercises, yoga & other activities of individual’s choice.

Adrak/ Sonth

Zingiber officinale Rose., Common name : Ardraka/Sunthi

  1. Indigestion : 5 gm. crushed rhizome (ardraka) with salt or jaggery twice daily before meal.
  2. Ear Pain : 2-4 drops of fresh warm juice to be instilled in the ear (don’t use when there is discharge)
  3. Hoarseness of voice : 1-3 gm. powder of dry rhizome with honey in three divided doses.
  4. Aches and pains : 10-20 ml. decoction prepared from 2 gm.of dry rhizome twice a day.
  5. Cold / cough : 2-5 gm. powder of dry rhizome with jaggery thrice a day in divided doses. 10ml. decoction prepared from a piece of ginger every morning prevents recurrent attack of cold.
  6. Head ache : Warm paste should be applied over forehead upto 3 – 4 times a day.
  7. Abdominal pain : 5 ml. juice in a glass of butter milk with lemon & salt.


Trachyspremum ammi Common name : Spragne, Yavani

  • Piles – 1 gm. powder and 1 gm. black-salt with butter-milk twice daily.
  • Painful Menses – 1-2 gm. powder of seeds with warm milk thrice a day for 2-3 days
  • Urticaria (Skin allergy) – 1-2 gm. powder of seeds with water twice daily.
  • Abdominal pain – 1 gm. powder with lukewarm water twice or thrice.
  • Flatulence (gas) –  2 gm. ajvain powder with equal quantity of Saunf powder with warm water.
  • Sinusitis – warm paste should be applied over freehead & little below the eyes in the morning
  • Nasal block – 1-2 gm powder should be put in steaming water & vapour should be inhaled; 2-3 time a day.
  • Loss of appetite –  1 gm. powder with warm water 1/2 hour before meals.


Punica granatum Linn., Common name : Dadima

This is very nutritious fruit suitable for all & can be used in diet in any disease condition.

  • Indigestion – 10 ml. juice of fruit, 1 gm. black- salt or fried Jira powder with honey or sugar to hold inside mouth for sometime before food.
  • Bleeding piles – 10 ml. juice of fruit with sugar twice a day. or 10 gm. powder of dry fruit rind with equal quantity of sugar twice a day.
  • Diahhoria/ Dysentery – 10 ml. decoction of fruit skin thrice a day. Fruit may be eaten in plenty.
  • Hyper-acidity – 10 ml. juice of fruit twice a day. Even the fruit may be eaten.
  • Bad breath – Gargling with the warm decoction prepared from fruit skin 3-4 time a day.
  • Acne – Paste of seeds should be applied to affected part twice daily.


Emblica officinalis Gaertn., Common name: Amalaki

  • For general health – Regular use of Amla provides nutrition and boosts good health.
  • Hyper Acidity/ Peptic Ulcer/ Constipation – 3-5 gm. powered fruit rind twice a day with milk. or 10-20 ml. fruit juice twice a day. or 3-5 gm. powered fruit rind twice a day with milk (Even raw Amla can be eaten).
  • Stress – External application of 25-50 gm. of fruit rind ground in butter milk on the forehead.
  • Diabetes – 10-20 ml. Fruit juice with 10-20 ml. juice of fresh rhizome of Haldi twice a day.
  • Greying of Hair / Hair fall / Dandruff – Fruit rind soaked over night in water for application on scalp two hours before bath. or paste prepared from fruit rind should be applied two hours before bath. 1-2 fresh fruits eaten every morning prevents hair fall & early greying.
  • Bleeding gums – Fine powder should be genthy massaged to gums after brushing atleast twice a day regularly.


Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume, Common name : Tvak

This commonly used spice is a good digestive & its pleasant flavour has soothing effect on mind.

  • Indigestion – 2 gm. powder of bark with water twice a day.
  • Loss of Appetite – 2 gm. powder of equal parts of Dalchini and Ajvain for chewing in three divided doses before food.
  • Vomiting – 1-2 gm. powder with honey thrice a day in divided doses.
  • Tension headache – To be rubbed with water on a rough surface & applied to fore head.
  • Mental tension – The aroma has soothing action on mind. Crushed pieces may be kept in hanky or near the pillow.
  • Dry cough – Chewing controls the throat irritation and helps in dry cough.


Coriandrum sativum Linn., Common name : Dhanyaka

  • Cold/ Cough – 20 ml. decoction prepared from 5 gm.coarse powder with sugar and turmeric powder thrice a day. or use of dhania powder as herbal tea every morning prevents cold, cough & problems related to digestion.
  • Intestinal worms – 3-5 gm. powder with jaggery twice a day for 5 days.
  • Sunstroke/ Dehydration – 20 ml. decoction prepared from coarse powder with sugar and a pinch of salt frequently.
  • Indigestion – 20 ml. decoction prepared from 5 gm. coarse powder with a pinch of ginger powder thrice a day.
  • Fever . 20 ml. decoction from 5 gm. powder with sugar 3-4 times a day.


Elettaria cardomomum Maton, Common name : Ela

  • Hiccough – 1-2 fruits to be chewed frequently (not more than 4/ day.
  • Vomiting – 250-500 gm. powder of seeds fried in ghee thrice daily with honey.
  • Bad breath – 1-2 seeds to be chewed frequently (not more than 4/ day).
  • Diarrhoea/Vomiting – Ash of the Elaichi skin 2 gm. with a little honey 4-5 times a day.
  • Cold – 20 ml. decoction prepared from. 5 gm. Dhania, 1 gm Methi seeds, little turmeric powder should be taken 2-3 times/day.
  • Cough – Little elaichi powder with a tea spoon full of honey 3-4 times day. Even chewing elaichi (Not more than 3 per day) frequently is helpfull in dry as well as productive cough.


Common name : Clarified Butter

Ghee is advocated as vehicle for number of medicines in Ayurvedic system. Judicious use of ghee is very good for physical as well as psychological health.

  • Ulcer/ Wounds/ Bums – Application over affected part frequently.
  • Loss of Appetite – With Hing and Jeera powder with food.
  • Memory – Use of ghee everyday in children improves memory.
  • Constipation – 5 ml. ghee put in a cup of warm milk should be taken with sugar at bed time.


Curcuma longa Linn., Common name : Haridra

  • Diabetes – 10 ml. fresh juice with 10 ml. juice of Amla twice daily.
  • Acne – Application of paste to the effected part twice a day. Use of Haldi with water, milk or cream on face gives glow to the skin & removes unwanted hair if used regularly.
  • Cold – 2 gm. powder with warm milk and sugar twice a day. Decoction of 1 gm. Haldi powder or use of Haldi in herbal tea prevents all allergic problems.
  • Wound/ulcer/skin disease – To be washed with decoction of Haldi & paste of haldi should be applied. Paste made by mixing with Ghee /coconut oil should be applied over affected part.
  • Skin allergy – 1-3 gm. powder should be taken with jaggery twice a day.


Ferula narthex Boiss.,        Common name : Hingu

Use of hing in daily diet is good for digestion & disorders related to it. Best way is to fry hing in little ghee before use.

  • Abdominal Pain – Stir and dissolve in water and apply on & around umbilicus. Specially in children or infants where there is abdominal distention this is very helpful. 1 gm. Hing fried in ghee with butter milk twice a day.
  • Toothache – Keep fried Hing in carious tooth.
  • Loss of appetite –  A pinch of Hing fried in ghee & a piece of adrak crushed should be taken with butter milk before food.


Myristica fragrans Houtt., Common name : Jatiphala

  • Diarrhoea in children – A pinch of powder or fruit rubbed on a clean surface with milk or water should be given 3-4 times a day.
  • Irritability – If child is restless & irritable 1-2 pinch of powder given with milk acts as mild sedative. This may be used 3-4 times a day.
  • Black pigmentation – Black pigmentation over the face is common complaint in ladies especially around menopausal age. Jayphal rubbed in milk and applied on such areas is helpful.
  • Abdominal pain – If pain is due to diarrhoea 2 gm. powder with warm water should be taken 4-5 time a day. It reduces the motility of intestine thereby reducing pain.


Cuminum cyminum Linn., Common name : jiraka

  • Indigestion – 3-6 gm. powder of fried Jeera and rock-salt with warm water thrice daily.
  • Diarrhoea/Dysentery – 1-2 gm. powder of fried jeera with 250 ml. butter milk four times daily.
  • Hyper-acidity – 5-10 gm. ghee boiled with jeera should be taken with rice during meals.
  • Skin disease – 1-2 gm. powder of fried jeera with milk twice daily.
  • Cold – Warm decoction of 2 gm. jeera, 5 gm. Dhania, 1 gm. Haldi, 1 gm. Methi powder and little pepper should be taken with honey/ sugar with lemon two to three times.
  • Cough – Either decoction as mentioned above or chewing few grains frequently helps in dry as well as productive cough.
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Raman (Radhika Raman Das) joined ISKCON in 2003 and got initiated by HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami Maharaj in 2011. As the Editor in Chief at "The Vaisnava - Online Magazine", he helps readers around the world hone in their Spiritual Curiosity, express their unique realizations as aspiring Vaisnava writers and enthusiasts, as well as to spread the digital seed of Srila Prabhupada's mission to spread Krishna Consciousness all around the globe.
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